Here’s what it’s about:
The all-volunteer (and registered non-profit) LIA receives no outside funding for its work in maintaining the Lordship Bluffs and Russian Beach (as a public trust) for the enjoyment of Lordship residents. It also created and maintains 8 community gardens, sponsors educational and environmental projects and more. The organization exists solely for the benefit of Lordship residents - and your donation alone is what keeps it going!
The letter that the LIA recently sent to all Lordship residents explains more. And your return of the 2024 Membership/Donation card in that letter will be very greatly appreciated – by the entire community. If you did not receive the letter, you can see it and donate here at our website: https://bit.ly/LIA-ToDonate
Thank you for your support!
And PS: Lordship residents are invited to party with us on the Lordship Bluffs on Sunday, June 23, from 4pm to sunset as the LIA celebrates its 100th anniversary year. Enjoy a cookout, games, kids games, the LFC’s Bands on the Bluffs concert and much more. Bring your lawn chair. You can learn more about the event at the LIA home page here: www.LordshipCT.org. See you there!
