The LIA is already into a robust year of Lordship beautification and environmental projects. In case you missed Wednesday night’s Committees Meeting, here are highlights of what we learned.
Note: The Lordship Bluffs - the extensive acreage from the southern edge of Park Boulevard to the high water mark of the Sound, and from the western edge of Lordship Road to the western edge of Spruce Street – is owned by the LIA for the use and enjoyment of Lordship residents.
The LIA has applied for a CT Trails Grant of $10,000 for two projects at the Lordship Bluffs: suppression of invasive Knotweed that is killing native plants and shrubs, and the planting of Little Bluestem Grass along the Bluffs’ ridge line to help control erosion with the plant’s deep roots. The Knotweed suppression would be done by a commercial vendor, and due to cost of the plants, compost and mulch, the Bluestems would be planted by volunteers.
Wood chips will again be spread on the Bluff’s trails. On Thursday, April 20, the chips will be delivered by the town to the foot of Laurel Street and Victoria Lawn, and volunteers will be appreciated to help deliver the chips to the trails in the following days. This coincides with the April 22 Earth Day and Stratford’s Project Greensweep beach clean-up.
We met Karen Kochiss, new chair of the LIA’s Beautification & Parks Committee. Karen is coordinating with the captains of the LIA’s eight gardens about their needs for the year. For many years she has also been co-captain (with Emily Viner) of the Captain Kidd’s Garden at the Bluffs (more about Karen next week).
The LIA’s current balance for projects is $17,431.26.
One wedding will be held this year at the Bluffs, on the first weekend in June. To be eligible, the bride or groom must have had a long-term Lordship connection.
In the LIA’s annual calendar fundraiser, about 200 copies of the 2023 LORDSHIP ARTISTS Calendar were sold, and the Calendar Committee is already plotting the 2024 Calendar: ‘A Walk Through Lordship’ featuring photographs of a variety of aspects and scenes of Lordship. We will announce a call for photos in early April.
A recent LIA website article tells the success of last summer’s Trial Sustainable Pollinator Pathway Garden along the Bluffs’ trail ( Articles at the website include details about the LIA’s Gardens, a Bluffs Field Guide, and much more about the LIA.
The GIFT SHOP at the LIA’s website now offers a variety of LIA-branded mugs and t-shirts! ( Proceeds from sales, of course, help the LIA’s bottom line.
Boats are not allowed to remain on Russian Beach during winter, and two abandoned boats were disposed of. Boats may return to the beach in spring. Labels will be placed on the boats outlining the policy, including the requirement for identification. (
The LIA’s annual Membership/Donation drive will return early June, with a mailing to all Lordship residents. But donations are always welcome! Here’s where you can donate now:
Thanks for your support!