Why not use nature’s gift to water your garden? Collect rainwater in a barrel, to use when you need it.
Next Saturday, June 8, the Lordship Improvement Association’s (LIA) Education / Environment Committee will distribute FREE 60-gallon rain collection barrels from 9 to 11 am – rain or shine, first come, first served. The supply is limited, so arrive early. One barrel is allowed per residence.
A BIG THANK-YOU to State Rep. Joe Gresko for arranging the barrels donation from Aquarion Water Co. And of course, to Aquarion Water Company for the barrels, and to Our Lady of Peace Church for letting us use their property for the distribution.
LOCATION: Our Lady of Peace Church (651 Stratford Rd.). DIRECTIONS: Enter church parking lot via Ivy Street (one way) and proceed to end of lot. Pick up barrel. Exit right onto Maple Street.
Right now, you can enjoy this video by the LIA’s Hans Drenkard on how to set up and use the barrel: https://youtu.be/XMB1h5jzW90
PS: The LIA exists to serve Lordship residents, and your donation keeps the LIA going! Learn more about the LIA and how to help beautify and protect the environment of our wonderful seaside community here: https://bit.ly/LIA-ToDonate
Thanks for your support!
