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Motorized Vehicle Policy For The Lordship Bluffs


Updated: Jul 25, 2024

In an effort to maintain the beauty of the Lordship Bluffs and the safety of residents who enjoy this scenic park overlooking Long Island Sound, the Lordship Improvement Association’s (LIA) Board of Governors announces that the LIA will reduce the size of openings at the park’s entrance areas and will extend the boundary of railings.


When completed, the project will block the access of motorized vehicles to the portion of the Bluffs that is private property held in a land trust by the LIA for the enjoyment of Lordship residents. This area runs along Park Boulevard from Lordship Road to Spruce Street, and to the edge of the grassy Bluffs. Exceptions will be for vehicle use during authorized contracted services and events.


The Board notes that as trustee of this property, the LIA is responsible for protecting the grassy lawn, nature habitat and beach, plus enhancing the park’s beauty and ensuring a safe environment for residents to enjoy.


LIA signs in the area state that motorized vehicles are prohibited on the Bluffs, and many LIA members have requested strict enforcement of this rule. Vehicles have been observed at speeds that are unsafe to pedestrians and causing damage to the turf. A recent incident involving ATV tires that deeply gouged the lawn became a police action.


Additional considerations are that the weight of numerous vehicles that travel the lawn - and those parking close to the edge of the Bluffs - harm the lawn and contribute to erosion. And the LIA’s insurance policy covers passive recreational pursuits, but not matters involving motorized vehicles.


The Board recognizes the long-time convenience of parking golf carts close to the Bluffs edge to access Russian Beach. But for the reasons cited above, the LIA also appreciates the community’s understanding of this action, and cooperation in ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all residents on the Bluffs.


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Aug 17, 2024

Senseless vandals parking on the Bluffs!! (Funny, the Bluffs look bigger now than they did when this picture was taken 60 years ago!)


Bridget White
Bridget White
Jul 26, 2024

Appreciate the effort to curtail damage. Might you consider handling this individually? As not all golf carts are causing problems. IE Charge a small amount for a sticker to be put on your cart so that you don’t get towed by the LIA.? And use the funds to maintain any damages. Or require carts to buy permits to park in A new parking area built at the end of Lordship road or one of the Lawns? . At very least -Please make the entrances wide enough to accommodate bicycle wagons and strollers Otherwise you will definitely have gone a step to far in one direction.


Jul 23, 2024

This is fantastic news! I am so proud of the LIA Board for taking steps to preserve and protect the Bluffs for the benefit of the entire community and for generations to come. I have lived in Lordship for 40 years, and it is only in recent years that people have begun using the Bluffs as a parking lot. In the past, people came on foot and by bicycle, pulling wagons, carrying in less. People were dropped off, and the driver returned on foot or by bike.  It is a shame that the signs prohibiting access to motorized vehicles were ignored, essentially forcing further action to be taken. For people who want to drive a vehicle to and…


Jul 22, 2024

Seeing more families utilizing Russian beach with easier access due to golf carts was wonderful. It brought community and life to Russian beach. Hopefully LIA is looking into a parking solution for the 150+ golf cart owners so residents can keep accessing Russian beach with their families and beach gear. Instead of using donated funds to block off the park could we have built a small parking area for golf carts only? Proactive approach that would not limit access to residents.


Jul 22, 2024

I understand there’s a problem with a couple of individuals and they should be dealt with. However, this over reaction to restrict all those that respect the property and just want to bring their family and beach stuff to the beach is not the answer. Where do you think all the golf carts are going to park now? This should be interesting. Will donations be affected?



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