Friday at the LIA’s Beach Drive Circular Garden – on the green by the Lordship Seawall - enthusiastic gardeners near the end of spring cleanup on a cold, blustery day. Cheering each other on are (l-r) garden captain Alanna, and team members Jeff, John, Beth and Cheryl. (Team member Fr. Tom was working elsewhere that day.) Scroll down to the next, earlier, photo to see their daunting task ahead – weeding, trimming, fertilizing and spreading mulch.
Also earlier, horticulture expert Kevin Regan – who designed and led installation of this garden in 2014 – pointed out all the perennials that had survived winter in this 4-season garden, including the rose bush that produces puffy white hydrangea-looking blossoms. Click here for the festive lure of this beauty spot and to enjoy the full garden story:

PS: The Lordship Improvement Association’s 8 gardens and the Lordship Bluffs are maintained by volunteers, supported by LIA memberships and donations. If you appreciate our work, please consider helping: Thank you!